Guide to Turning Your Garage Into a Guest Room

Maybe there's a baby on the way. Maybe your in-laws are coming to live with you. Or, maybe you want to convert your carless area into something more useful, something like a guest room. Why you want to turn your garage into a guest room doesn't really matter. What matters is how to do it - that is why you are here, after all. Well, we have some good and some bad news for you. The good news is that turning your garage into a guest room is more than possible.

The bad news is that you will need a lot of your time, energy, and money to do it. But, fear not - with our advice, you will be able to do wonders! Thus, let us not wait any longer. Keep on reading to see how to give your garage a makeover and turn it into the most beautiful and functional guest room.

Acquire a Permit First

Before you even start turning your garage into a guest room, make sure you acquire a permit. Of course, in some areas of the USA, getting this permit is not obligatory, but, in others, building without it can cause you many problems. Thus, before you start with any of your home renovations, get in touch with your city's Zoning Department and get informed.

Moreover, be sure to apply for a permit months before your garage transformation. Why? Because, in most cases, waiting to get your permit is a process that lasts a very long time. And, it is also a process that costs money! So, besides saving up for your upcoming renovation, be sure to have some money saved up for all the paperwork.

Get Everything Out of Your Garage

Now that you have your permit, it is time to start with your remodeling preparations. That is, it is time to get everything out of that garage. For this, too, we suggest sparing a couple of days (or a week), as decluttering and cleaning a garage space can be a complex, stressful, and time-consuming process.

First, together with your household members, decide what in that garage is worth keeping and what you can get rid of. Of course, when we say get rid of it, we don't mean letting it hit the bin, no. We mean, either donate it to a charity or sell it (sell it online or on a garage sale).

And, if there are certain things in that garage that you plan on keeping, consider packing them up and placing them in storage (or in some other free space in your home - attic, basement, etc.). If you want to do it quickly and stress-free, that is, if you want to pack up your garage without breaking a sweat, you can also consider hiring moving experts.  Nobody can pack and move as quickly and as safely as they can!

Hire a Contractor

Turning your garage into a guest room is going to be a lot easier now that you have a clean and empty space to work with. But, before you start working, we strongly advise you to hire a contractor. That is, hiring a contractor is a must if you don't have the knowledge and the skills necessary for this big project.

To transform your garage into a functional room requires soo much more than decluttering it and filing it with new furniture. You will have to install heating and cooling, add more wiring and plumbing, create new walls, renovate that old bathroom that was in there, and many other things that require 'contractor' skills.

Think About Heating and Cooling Your New Guest Room

If your garage is attached to your home, adding heating and cooling will be easy. You will just need to expand the ventilation, so that it can cover the garage, that is so that it can cover your new guest room.

However, if that is not possible (because the garage is detached from your home or because the existing HVAC system cannot stretch that much), you will have to turn to some other option. For instance, you can upgrade the HVAC system you already have or you can buy a smaller one that will cover only this new area. Both options have advantages and disadvantages, so be sure to ask your contractor what to do.

And, Think About Plumbing and Wiring

What is a guest room without a small bathroom and a kitchenette? Nothing really! You need these two 'areas' in order for your guests to enjoy their stay and in order for all of you to have some privacy. Thus, consider adding them.

To install or renovate the kitchen and the bathroom in your garage, you will need to take care of plumbing and wiring first. This will be the most expensive part of turning your garage into a guest room, so before you start, be sure you have money in your budget to finish it.

Decorate Accordingly

Now, the best part of tuning your garage into a guest room - decoration. And, when we say decoration, we mean painting the walls, installing floors, and filling the room with furniture and decor pieces.

For walls and floors, go for something neutral. Colors such as white, beige, gray, or yellow will appeal to everybody. The same applies to bathroom and kitchen 'items' - keep them simple and neutral. And, when it comes to furniture, a bed and a smaller closet are all that you need. Just make sure the bed is comfy! Moreover, if you want to be a bit extra, consider adding a TV there too - your guests will love it!

As you have seen, there are many things you have to do when turning your garage into a guest room. We mentioned the biggest and the most expensive parts of this project that you should have in mind, but, you already know that there will be more to handle. Thus, do your research before you embark on this renovation journey.


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